Apical Scientific aims to deliver the results within the agreed time frame upon receipt of the order.

1. All ordered services must be accompanied by their respective Order ID to be labelled on your sample collection card or parcel. The order will be processed based on the information provided in the online platform. Should the information provided is insufficient or inaccurate, Apical Scientific will not be liable for the resulting delay(s) and/or non-performance of service.

2. For service order submission, customers must follow the sample preparation guideline to prepare the order and Apical Scientific will not be held responsible for any such affected non-performance of service.

3. We will email you the Order Acknowledgement Notification before processing the order. Shall there is any decrepencies of the order information, please reply our email as soon as possible to release the order from being on-hold until we obtain the confirmation from you.

4. All confirm orders will be processed on the same working day and customer will be receiving the result within the stipulated delivery time frame except Malaysia Selangor Public Holiday. We will do everything possible to ensure compliance with or better than the stated delivery time. However, at times there could be situations without our control and thereafter resulting in unexpected delays.

5. The results of the ordered service will be made available online and end-users can retrieve results using their online ordering account.

6. The result link will be accessible through the online account for 12 months only. For unlimited access, please save the data separately in your preferred storage system (e.g. thumb drive, hard disk, Dropbox, Cloud based storage or etc.). Thumd drive or external hard disk can be purchased at separate fees.



Apical Scientific aims to deliver within the agreed time frame upon receipt of the purchase. 

1. Delivery will be made to your default delivery address that pre-register with Apical Scientific, which will be available in our Official Quotation to you (if this condition apply).

2. If there is a change of the default delivery address, kindly please get our confirmation about this change before processing the new order.

3. We will email you the Order Acknowledgement Notification after processing the order. No changes are allowed after the Order Acknowledgement and cancellation fees will be applied.

4. Products that require controlled of cold temperature (4C, -20C, or -80C) will be sent out only on Monday or Tuesday. And there is no restriction to schedule the shipping of room temperature products at any working days from Monday to Friday.

5. All confirm orders will be processed on the same working day and customer will be receiving the products within the stipulated delivery time frame except Malaysia Selangor Public Holiday. We will do everything possible to ensure compliance with or better than the stated delivery time. However, at times there could be situations without our control and thereafter resulting in unexpected delays.